Well, the day I’ve been itching at for months and months and more is finally here!  My first album, The Night Wind, has launched and is officially available through Bandcamp.  I’m releasing it under the moniker Street Nymphs, partially in the hopes that Street Nymphs will eventually become a full-on band and consist of more than just me.  Until then, I’ll settle with my ethereal forest sprite companions.

I’m releasing The Night Wind with Bandcamp’s delightful name-your-price feature, so you may download it for free if you like.  I figure, when it comes down to it, I would rather have many people listening than a few people paying. If this philosophy eventually makes a poor man of me… well, at least my album will still be on Bandcamp?  Ah, we’ll figure that one out later.

In other news, the coffee house games are coming along quite well.  I wish I had art to share with you, but I had something of a cross-hatching mishap the other day and have yet to retrace my earlier design.  Tomorrow Renee and I will venture out to a number of our coffee shops to deliver flyers and take a few photographs, and I am doing my best to have the Kickstarter project launched by then.  I will post another brief update as soon as that happens.

Best wishes, and I hope you enjoy the first ever Street Nymphs album!